Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remembering Mrs. Rossi

Author: Amy Hest
B.L.- 4.0 Pts. 3

Posted By: Leigha T.

I read this book because I saw a sweet heart-filled story . It was such a inspiration to me and the little girl (Annie) was so strong about having only one parent.
My favorite part was reading the book the kids made for Annie and Mr. Rossi. Another favorite of mine was when they went on vacation. They go every summer but when they go without "Mommy" Annie doesn't think it's right , because they always walk on the beach together. It is a really good book and your just going to have to read it yourself to find out how Annie only has one parent. 8 )

1 comment:

Ms. Monson said...

You did an awesome job doing the voice thread! What's next a book trailer?