Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Underneath

Author: Kathi Applet
Book level: 5.2 Points :9

Posted by: Alix T.

I read this book because I love books about dogs, this book caught my eye. Trust me, this is an exciting, breath-taking, thrilling book that is so good. I love The Underneath. My favorite part was when the Mama calico cat found Ranger, a lonely hound who sang the blues with a shot wound. But he wasn't always like this, Gar Face tied him up after he got in front of Gar Faces gun. He was the best hunting in that swampy forest filled with quick-sand.
He could hunt anything down an he did. But that bob cat, there was something about that bobcat. He got in font of Gar Faces gun. That bobcat, there was something about it. Ranger couldn't put his tongue on it. He wonders. What could it be?? You should read this book to find out.

Check out this cool book trailer Ms. Monson made:

Images Courtesy of the Following Members of Creative Commons:

1 comment:

Mrs. Schauer said...

You're not going to believe this, but I actually met Kathy Appelt and got her to sign my copy of this book! Great review!